Congrats to Lauren & Tony, our first 2008 photography prize giveaway recipients!!! Lauren had her family and friends BOMBARD us with emails in their support. You should see the thickness of their folder! Geez!!! And, we were blown away by the fact that Lauren deserved this so much that her fiance (Tony) and her dad actually sat down and composed letters to us explaining why they were the 2008 couple to photograph. Can you imagine getting two men to sit and write letters about love? And, as you can see from the photo, they seem very happy and totally down to earth. It seems that everything was going really well with the pending nuptials until their photography studio closed down (I think you all know who we are referring to), leaving Lauren & Tony to start the scavenger hunt again for their photographers. Kudos to Lauren for taking the chance and calling us to inquire about our giveaway. Now, for all you readers out there, just so you know, there is still one more chance left for 2008. Remember, we wanted to contribute TWO giveaways to help the cause.
My first conversation with Lauren was like Lauren herself, AWESOME. You should hear the kindness and energy in her voice. One of the things I love most about Lauren ( I have yet the lucky opportunity to meet her match, Tony), is her ability to laugh at herself. On a couple of occasions Lauren has called the studio and left voice mail messages for me. If you knew her she would tell you how we have laughed on the phone because her messages seem to exceed the maximum time allowed so she's gotten cut off a couple of times. Ha, ha she reminds me of ME!
Lots to say.
One of the best parts of taking part in this contribution of our time and art is that we get to hear from our recipient's loved ones what makes that couple so special. I absolutely loved Lauren's mom's letter explaining... " I knew in my heart he was the one for Lauren. Both of them are beautiful on the inside as well as the outside. The interesting thing is this...people always talk about opposites attracting... with Tony's "feet on the ground" and Lauren's "head in the clouds" they meet right in the middle." How awesome is that? We can't wait to photograph the "grounded" Tony and his beautiful "dreamer and optomist" Lauren. Congrats you guys! Please tell your family and friends that we can't wait to meet them too. Loving family and friends, that's what weddings are all about.